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Sheet Summary

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have a sheet that I created as a log essentially. What I'm wanting to do is create a "report" that summarizes the data. As an example, I want to report total records, smallest number, largest number, and count of records with a specific condition. How would I go about doing this?


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    Currently, your best bet would be to add a summary section with data at the top of your sheet. There is no current way to write formulas on data from other sheets. 

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    If you add a column to your sheet, you would be able to add something unique to your summary rows and then feed them into a report that is pulling from that sheet and only shows items with the value unique to your summary row. That would keep your summary data in a separate report, but it would exist on your sheet at the top. 

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