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May Question of the Month 💭 Join the conversation and receive a badge



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    My boss of almost 20 years, now retired, Jim Barr was by far the most influential person in my professional career.

    But to be honest, I would not have taken the job had I known I would be reporting to him. I took a promotion and about two weeks after I took the position, the position was moved to his department and suddenly I was reporting, not to the most kind, gentle hearted, teddy bear that hired me, but to a grizzly who had a temper. Jim was known for yelling and throwing things in his office on occasion. He never threw anything AT anyone, he would just launch a pencil across the room when he got ticked off. Jim was a tough boss by most people's standards. He was demanding, he expected my best efforts at all times.

    I won't lie, the first two years were tough, but I learned that while he would light me up for a mistake I made, he would ALWAYS do that in private. He NEVER belittled me, or criticized me in front of anyone. And when I did make a mistake, he didn't throw me under the bus to his peers or bosses. He took the heat for a mistake made in HIS department, it didn't matter who made the mistake, it was his department's mistake. Successes, however, were very publicly individual. He praised his staff regularly for all their accomplishments, and always made a point of identifying the individuals who contributed. The CEO of the company knew the names of people in Jim's department, because Jim used them in meetings.

    He had a theory in business. Everyone is one of three things. A "+", a "-" or a "0". Zeros did their job, and did it well. they have no desire to move up the ladder, they are just content to do their work. "If you want a lot of zeros on your bottom line, you need a lot of zeros on your payroll". "-" folks took from the work environment. They didn't get work done, they required extra attention. Get rid of them quick, or they will drag down your bottom line. And then you have "+" people. These people take the work they are given and they make it better. They care, they ADD to what they do. You need these people, as they are the growth factor in your business. Too many though and they begin to drag each other down. And then you have management, they don't work a lot, but they are vital. They are the people who dream and make decisions based on the work being done by others.

    I know I wouldn't be where I am today without the guidance and leadership I received from Jim Barr. Thanks Jim, I've had a good career thanks to your leadership!!

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    I have had the opportunity to work for the same company for more than 28 years. Over that time I have had the opportunity to witness and experience first-hand amazing leaders and managers. They believed in me and my skill set and knowledge when I did not. With grit and perseverance I continue to work hard to meet the expectations they have and ensure they never regret their decision to support me in my career. I always want to set a good example for my children in that " hard work and kindness will be rewarded".

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    I would have to say my family and friends! First, my desire to provide stability for my family has made me realize I need to stop settling for less-than-par jobs simply because I am comfortable. Second, both my family and friends give me the confidence and support to go after jobs that I probably never would have otherwise!

  • Employee

    This is the energy I'm here for!

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    Who has had the biggest impact on your career and why?

    Me! Even my most prolific influencer had no effect on my career until I chose to accept and implement their ideas.

    Lots of wise and caring people have offered me great advice and valuable lessons that I am eternally grateful for, but none of it impacted my career until I gave it a chance. Sometimes it required me to defer to someone else's opinion without any evidence that it may work better than my own, but I always learning something from the chances I took (even if it was what not to do) and never learned anything from the ideas I dismissed or ignored.

    Be open-minded, seek out new ideas, accept wisdom from those with your best interest at heart, and try it!

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    I would say my dad, he taught me hard work and dedication, also showed me how to be inquisitive, resourceful and to learn quickly. This has carried me a long way

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    The birth of my daughter has had the biggest impact on my career. Her arrival transformed my perspective on life and motivated me to redefine my priorities. Becoming a parent compelled me to strive for a better future, not only for myself but also for her. The responsibility of providing for and being a role model for my daughter has fueled my determination, focus, and drive to succeed in my professional endeavors. Her presence has inspired me to work harder, set higher goals, and continuously improve myself, making her the primary catalyst for the significant impact on my career.

    I love You AFSA (My Daughter Name)

    Thanks & Regards


    SSPM Consultants

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    Great mentors have lead me down a path that was way better than I could have found on my own.

  • Community Champion

    First my parents who taught me the value of a strong work ethic and integrity. Then a former VP at an old job that essentially forced me to learn Smartsheet. I was very against it at first, but then it grew on me. Now I am working full time building solutions in Smartsheet and absolutely love it. I am now one of the lucky few that can honestly say that I love what I do for a living and actually enjoy logging in to work each morning.

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    Great question! When I ask my Team Members what was the most impactful way of learning anything, they always say - mentorship.

    My first mentor was my on-property Director of Revenue Management. Back then, I was working as a Night Auditor but he still recognized my potential and noticed that I was tracking the information and analyzing it. Because of his support, I was able to accelerate my career and now I am leading an international Team of Senior RMs responsible for 2,200+ hotels. I am forever grateful for all of Adam's help and for his unique ability to create a comfortable environment that facilitated my learning.

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    There are numerous paths available to accomplish this goal. While my manager's role is to support and equip me with the necessary tools, it ultimately falls on me to utilize those resources effectively in order to excel and make progress in my career. Having connections certainly benefits me, but it is my responsibility to either initiate new connections or accept opportunities to connect with individuals who can open doors to different possibilities. Additionally, surrounding myself with positive individuals who share similar goals is crucial to keep me motivated and prevent stagnation. Without support, it becomes difficult to break free from a rut and achieve success.

  • Overachievers Alumni

    My husband has definitely had the biggest impact on my career. I have had a few mentors, some that I didn't even realize were mentors until much later in life. Mentors are important both in your career and in home life. For me, if it wasn't for the on-going support from my husband, my career would not be where it is today. He has both supported the family (kids, chores, etc.) and encouraged me to move ahead and ask the tough questions.

    He is my biggest cheerleader and supporter for over 30 years!

    Jenn Hilber

    Smartsheet Overachievers Alumni

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    I love that most people have mentioned several people who have challenged them, guided them, pushed them, and loved them into being more than we may have thought we could be. My folks were my first guides - teaching (by doing) that helping others quietly is just as important as some who would make it a big show. Small things, even easy things, that can be done to lift others in life. That is a legacy.

    When my dad finished his 8 yeas of higher education and we moved to California where he began teaching at the college level, I was fortunate - and blessed - to meet a family through my parents' connection. My mom began her working career with a woman who has been a personal mentor, second mom, close friend, and business guide for more than 50 years. She gave me my first full-time job, saw me through many stages of my life, and still represents a stalwart presence. She has always been about helping people help themselves and, in my case, it was particularly true one day when she pulled me aside and told me that I was very bright and caught on quickly and, because of that, I could accomplish completion of my work, get bored, and get into trouble. I have thought of that often (and tried to stay out of trouble). :)

    My husband also deserves credit here as he has always been my biggest supporter, and I cannot stress how important it has been to have people in your corner.

  • Overachievers Alumni

    Wow. What a question.

    It's not just an easy one liner. There have been multiple people that have influenced and impacted my career. The good, the bad and the not so pretty. But all of those experiences have made me the person I am today.

    From the schoolteacher who encouraged me take part in eisteddfods when I was way too shy to. The manager who whole-heartedly supported me and believed in me, the manager that had a meticulous eye for detail, and in return made me more aware of the importance of clear communication and attention to detail. The colleagues who have been there through thick and thin, they've taught me patience, empathy and adaptability.

    Here's to all the wonderful people who I have crossed paths with and for the many who are still to come.

    Michelle Basson
    Smartsheet Overachiever Alumni | Solution Architect | Lover of everything Smartsheet


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    My beloved mother was my very first inspirational life + career coach. She really helped me to understand at an early age that failure was an opportunity for growth. Her support helped me continue to push through life's biggest challenges, little did I know it was really to prepare for all of the health challenges she would later face, up to and including being a care taker for her, up to her very last breath.

    My mom worked hard and really instilled that behavior in me early. If I wanted to be the best at something - I needed to put the work in to master it. Whether it was being the fastest and most accurate at typing, to learning to play an instrument, my musical performances, all the way up to being a manager. My success came early when I was promoted at 17 to assistant manager for a retail store I worked at. School was a priority but I wanted to help contribute to my family as soon as I could. Her support later changed as I found myself switching into my various roles that eventually landed me at the company I am at today. There were challenges along the way and she was always a big support in my corner. I also was lucky enough to learn from great, good and some not so good managers along the way. My very first manager was the perfect example of the type of leader that I wanted to become. I really took her approach as the model example of what I wanted to strive for in my career. All these years later, I have come into my own and still find myself pushing to learn all I can to be the best version of myself. Thankfully I had the opportunity to tell my mom how thankful I was for all her love, guidance, and support before she passed. I also shared with my previous manager who is one of our Executive Directors, the impact that she played in my development. I was able to thank her earlier this year and told her that I appreciated all the opportunities that she allowed me to get to where I am today.

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