Data shuttle - compare entries between source file and target sheet

I need to compare entries from the source file to entries in the target sheet (form in the target sheet creates these entries). If the entry is in the source file then I want to leave that entry in the target sheet BUT if the entry in not in the source file, I want this entry to disappear from the target sheet and need to sent notification to the individual that submitted the form that they are not eligible.




  • Kleerfyre
    Kleerfyre ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I am not sure a data shuttle would be the best for this. Maybe an index and match formula that its output could trigger a workflow to clear/delete the row and send an email to the submitter.

    Jonathan Sanders, CSM

    "Change is always scary because it is unknown, but facing the unknown is what makes us stronger."

  • Main thing is to verify the entries in the target with the entries of the source file. Source file has over 23K entries.

    Then I could create the workflows. Any other suggestion on how to do this?

