Is Smartsheet just going to ignore the SIGNIFICANT problems with the form logic feature?

Suzanne Raphael
Suzanne Raphael ✭✭✭
edited 05/11/23 in Smartsheet Basics

I have a very long form, driven by a table with around 140 columns that is meant to ultimately provide the questions/bones for 9 (sub) forms. There is a body of questions that applies to all the forms, and there are some that are unique to each. Rather than building individual forms, I thought I could make this happen via logic that starts with the user selecting the form type via a first field that displays radio buttons, one for each form type. My intention is that the form type selection would then limit the questions based on a set of rules for each type—explicit: 'show these,' implicit: 'not these.;

Setting up rules for each type (there are 9 of them) seemed to be going finel. Started each rule by selecting all the common questions, and then adding the unique ones, intending the result that "when this radio button is selected, show ONLY these questions." Upon hitting the 6th of 9 rules, Smartsheet blocked me from creating any more, throwing an error that stated "Sorry, there was a problem saving this logic." Five others just like it were fine, but suddenly this one was not, and no attempt to save anything beyond five was successful. So this to me is a real Smartsheet issue. If there is a limitation to the number of rules, Smartsheet should say so, and save us all a lot of time.

The next and probably more important issue, idk, maybe user error/I'm just not thinking about this right. After creating a rule that says, "When the AAA radio button is selected, then show the following fields," what I get when it's NOT selected is all the fields that are NOT specified in the rule, but NOT the AAA questions. When the AAA radio button IS selected, I get its questions ADDED to the rest. So the affect is that I'm not getting any 'filtering' at all.

What am I misunderstanding here? I have used the conditional logic on forms elsewhere to show a sub-question based on the answer selection of a parent question without issue, with the implied rule that if the proper value isn't selected, the sub-question is hidden. Is it just not possible to do what I'm trying to do here? Is there no real ability to "show ONLY these questions when this other question is answer with x value?"


  • An update on this, as I have basically answered my own question. The underlying truth:

    Any field that does NOT have logic attached to it is going to show, period. My mistake was including the "All" questions in every one of my d*mn rules, which not only took a ton of time, but made them conditional. DUH.

    So long/short, user error. The other thing though—no more than 5 rules per field...that still seems like an issue.