+5 days from testing date

Hello Smartsheet's Community,

I am working on a summary table for my dashboard and cannot figure out a formula. I want to count how many of a certain category by referencing a sheet have been in testing for +5 days. For example, 5/10 blue items category from Sheet 1 have been in testing for longer than 5 days.

=COUNTIFS({Sheet 1 item category column}, "Blue", [{Sheet 1 Testing Date column}, "+5 Days"])

I've been trying a combination of COUNTIFS and just can't figure it out.


  • Hollie Green
    Hollie Green ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If I understand correctly and your Sheet 1 Testing Date column is a date column you would use the below

    =COUNTIFS({Sheet 1 item category column}, "Blue", [{Sheet 1 Testing Date column}, <TODAY(-5))

    This counts any Blue in Sheet 1 category where the date in the sheet 1 testing date column is less than the date of 5 days ago from today.

  • your formula had an extra [ but it worked! Thank you!!

    =COUNTIFS({Sheet 1 item category column}, "Blue", {Sheet 1 Testing Date column}, <TODAY(-5))