Automation won't trigger

This discussion was created from comments split from: Why does my automation flow not work ?.


  • WinaHath
    WinaHath ✭✭✭✭

    My automation won't trigger! Help!

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    edited 06/23/23

    Hey @WinaHath

    Is it possible that the trigger has worked but the actions are being prevented from completing?

    For example, if the Total Cost value is seen as text then it won't meet your first filter criteria, so the workflow won't send out Approval Requests.

    Things to check:

    Under Automations > Manage Workflows, do you see a note that says "Last Ran"? If so, this means that it IS being triggered, there's just something blocking the Action.

    For example, my top workflow has never been triggered but by bottom workflow has:

    If you do see a correct "Last ran" timestamp, the next thing to check is that the row met your conditions... that the Total Cost column had a number in your correct range.

    A quick way to tell if your value is being seen as a number or as a text would be to put a formula in a cell next to it that adds a number.

    =[Total Cost]@row + 1

    If your new number is added (e.g. 1 + 1 = 2) then the cell is read as a number. If your new number is joined (e.g. 1 + 1 = 11) then your Total Cost cell is being read as text.

    Can you clarify how the "Total Cost" is coming into the sheet and how you are formatting that column?

    It would also be helpful to see a screen capture of that row with the column names, but please block out sensitive data.



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  • WinaHath
    WinaHath ✭✭✭✭


    I may have done this workflow all wrong. I was able to make it work but it's not how the approval process should flow and I am confused! where can I get help in formulating the workflow?

    Thank you!!😀

  • Hey @WinaHath

    If you would like some guidance based on your specific process, you have access to booking Pro Desk sessions. These are 30-minute sessions over screen share where you can chat through your workflow and ask for advice.



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