Workflow becoming invalid

swaldon2 ✭✭✭✭✭

Hi! I am struggling with one workflow on a sheet. I have a total of 11 workflows running on this sheet, but none overlap, but they do play off one another. The one that keeps becoming invalid works 3/4s of the time but fails that 1/4. Please advise on how to fix this!

Workflows (Workflow 2 is the only one that becomes invalid)

Workflow 1: When the approver 1 column and approver 2 columns both say "Approved", the "Response Approved?" checkbox column becomes checked off.

Workflow 2: When "Response Approved?" becomes checked off, the status column changes to "Response approved".

Workflow 3: When the "Shared?" checkbox column becomes checked off, the status column changes to "shared".
