Mapped PDF's Aren't Auto-Populating


I have a mapped PDF that generates every time someone submits a form request. However, when a user goes into the row post-submission and changes a cell value, the generated PDF does not update to reflect the new change(s).

Am I doing something wrong when it comes to setting up the mapped PDF?


  • Kelly P.
    Kelly P. ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Benjamin O'Leary

    Have you checked your automation? Perhaps it's set to generate the document only when new rows are added?

    Hope this helps!

  • @Kelly P. I double-checked, and the automation seems correct:

  • Kelly P.
    Kelly P. ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Benjamin O'Leary

    It would seem that when a row initially comes in, the Submitter's name is populated, the LoMo Type is populated, and the doc is generated. Then a person makes a change to the row, but from the automation's standpoint, nothing has changed (the submitter name and LoMo approval are static) so no new doc is generated. The automation needs to be able to recognize a trigger/change to proceed. It would probably be best to include a "Generate PDF" checkbox. Have users check the box after they make their changes to generate the new PDF. Have an automation uncheck the box after the attachment is added.