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Mapping App Questions

I have two things I'm trying to accomplish with the Map App,


1) The first time I did it I got a list of individual properties on the RH column so I could check/uncheck the addresses I want displayed on the map, now its gone and I don't know how to get it back. There is just a total # and select all option.


2) This is for surveying company, Can we color code the locations based on the assigned field person? The report has a drop down choice for who is assigned the address, can the address be color coded differently for each assignee? I know it's supposed to do with grouping but I can't figure it out.


Thanks so much!




  • Stephanie Taylor
    Stephanie Taylor ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Answer to question #2 - You need to have a column on your smartsheet that has the assigned field person for each address then when you are building the map choose the  "assigned field person" in grouping column as you build the map.  Then the addresses on the map will be color coded by who their assigned person.


  • Travis
    Travis Employee
    edited 07/06/15

    Jody, there isn’t a way to select only certain rows to be included in your map. You might be thinking of the ‘group by’ feature which isn’t meant to show/hide individual locations but could be used for that if it pointed to a column with unique info per location.

  • Travis, Say I select a sheet with 25 address on it. Can the app list the addresses so I can select which ones (ex: 10 of the 25) I want to have displayed on the map via a checkbox OR do I have to have them pre-filtered prior to plugging them into the Map app?

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