Increase limit of grouped and summarized report rows from 2500
Please consider increasing the limit of grouped and summarized report rows from 2500. This is a significant constraint we face daily. To work around this we are either limiting the information displayed by more than we desire, or creating multiple reports; both are considerable inconveniences to our leadership who need this data to analyze current state and make sound business decisions. In other cases, we are having to utilize systems outside of Smartsheet that are able to handle larger sets of data and offer more robust reporting options. As admins, we prefer to utilize Smartsheet as our single data source and increasing the limit on grouped reports from 2500 would be a decisive advantage over other systems.
Seeing this warning message is becoming increasingly problematic:
"Not finding the rows you're looking for? Try changing the filter criteria or sort order. Reports display up to 2500 grouping and summary rows at a time, so they may be out of view."