Introduce yourself & get to know your peers!



  • Hello everyone, my name is Sara, I work in Higher Education and am new to Smartsheet. I hope to use Smartsheet to track projects and create forms that will make things run more efficiently.

    I am from Southern California and enjoy traveling with my husband and three kids (16, 10, & 4).

  • Rebeca S.
    Rebeca S. Employee

    @JIDEATTURRA How exciting getting to move to Australia, and having so many beautiful places to explore! Winter looks incredible over there. 👀

    @iLoveData Tucker is gorgeous, and this is a great photo! He looks so chill, is he a fan of snow?

    @Zachary Ziegler ask all of your questions! That's what the Community is here for 😁 (Also you just introduced me to pickleball, I didn't know it!)

    @szaragoza excited for you to start your Smartsheet journey, if you have any questions, just let us know! Traveling with your family sounds lovely, any favorites from the places you've visited?

    Join us at Smartsheet ENGAGE 2024 🎉
    October 8 - 10, Seattle, WA | Register now

  • Hello there,

    Long time lurker, first time typer. My Name is Mickey and I hale from the Toledo, Oh. USA. I am a full time Firefighter-paramedic and currently the 'Probationary Liaison' (onboarding and training) for our city's fire department. I have two kids, a dog, and a mean ol wife. Just Kidding… She's a cat.

    I started using smartsheet to create an evaluation system for our probies and as it probably went for everyone else above- one thing led to another and I just kept building out. From recruitment to maintenance, operations, training and even to our wellness and support bureau- Smartsheet has connected dots, eased work loads, and given incredible insight for our ship's captain(s) and chief(s) to steer with. Grateful for this program and community.

  • Hello, I'm Angie. I am a certified PMP with experience in Agile as well. I own my own PM consulting firm and am currently assisting a company in the MedTech field. I've worked with folks in construction, consumables, and MedTech. I LOVE Smartsheet, its is such a versatile tool with a low onboarding lift. I'm from northern Indiana, I have a tuxedo cat named Virtue and I can get a sunburn from the moon.

  • Kathy Y
    Kathy Y ✭✭

    Hi folks, my name is Kathy, and I work at a non-profit. I am new to Smartsheet and look forward to learning from you all. I live in Arizona and love walking my beagle, Sheldon.

  • bfalitico
    bfalitico ✭✭✭

    Hey Guys My name is Bryan and I'm the Master Scheduler and Global Project Manager, overseeing a portfolio of several hundred active clinical trail contracts all across the globe. I've used Smartsheets before with a previous firm and I'm excited to show this new team the streamlined solutions utilizing the platform. I love all the new features and additional functionality Smartsheet is rolling out, and I am especially excited to learn more about the AI capabilities!

    I'm a driven individual always working to improve myself personally and professional, and I have a knack for creating new processes and procedures that improve efficiencies while reducing out dated inefficiencies.

  • Karen Bruer
    Karen Bruer ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm Karen, I work for RLDatix, a software company offering solutions and services to help Healthcare organizations proactively identify risk, enhance operational efficiency and compliance and build a consistent, transparent culture of safety.

    My superpower is seamlessly integrating innovative tools and methodologies to drive organizational transformation and foster a collaborative, inclusive culture. This unique blend of technical proficiency, strategic vision, and empathetic leadership enables me to inspire and empower others, ensuring sustainable growth and success.

  • Rebeca S.
    Rebeca S. Employee

    Hi everyone! Love getting to say hi to so many of you. 😁

    @MickMc419 "Smartsheet has connected dots, eased work loads, and given incredible insight for our ship's captain(s) and chief(s) to steer with." Love this!

    @A. Saunders PMP I didn't know they were named tuxedo cats, but I'm so happy to have gained this knowledge. I'm sure Virtue is adorable!

    @Kathy Y Sheldon is so cute, it really makes my day when any of you share your pets. 🤩

    @bfalitico How exciting that you get to introduce your new team to Smartsheet!

    @Karen Bruer That is one fantastic superpower that surely saves the day at work. 😎

    @Scott Warner Hola! Happy to have you in the Community, and excited that you saw the Smartsheet ad!

    Join us at Smartsheet ENGAGE 2024 🎉
    October 8 - 10, Seattle, WA | Register now

  • Hi - I'm Helen and I work on my company's HR team, focused on M&A. My background is HR operations and data management. I started using Smartsheet in the fall of 2023 and designed a method to manage acquired employee data and to track integration activities, which led to Dashboards for our stakeholders to keep them informed on acquisitions. It's been a game-changer for us. I'm eager to learn more and optimize my Smartsheet design.

    On a personal note - I play Pickleball several times a week and love it.

  • Hello! I'm Sharon and I'm from Pennsylvania. I recently moved from Tech Support role into a Command Center Analyst role and in addition to learning new aspects of my job, I'm studying SS hoping to simplify some reporting and hope to create a training database. I'm working towards taking the Core Product Certification Exam in July.

  • Rebeca S.
    Rebeca S. Employee

    Hi hi @Helen Allen, we've gotten some pickleball fans around here, how cool. 😁 We've got plenty of learning resources available, including a new Webinars topic.

    Welcome @Sharon Romualdez hope you're enjoying your Smartsheet learning journey! We have a discount code, available during June & July, that you can use on your Core Product certification. 😉

    Join us at Smartsheet ENGAGE 2024 🎉
    October 8 - 10, Seattle, WA | Register now

  • Hey there! I'm David. I'm new to the platform but I'm learning quickly all that Smartsheet can do! Love it! TBH, what got me into Smartsheet was wasting so many hours a week trying to manage inventory and run my caseload off Excel sheets and sticky notes (You've probably run into that at some point in your career journey too). So, I'm building an inventory management system for my institution and am very excited about its potential and that of a few other projects I have in mind.

    So, when I'm not a weekend warrior on Smartsheet, I'm playing soccer, building Legos with my kids, or audiobooking through great literature.

    David Stremic

    “All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.” – Ernest Hemingway.

  • @JoHanna_Schultz I work in an Alt. virtual HS and I'm trying to build out some systems for my school. I'm really curious how you use Smartsheet in a virtual edu setting? I just sent you a LinkedIn Message but would love to hear more about how you implemented it!

    David Stremic

    “All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.” – Ernest Hemingway.

    ISKOTB ✭✭
    edited 06/25/24

    Hiya! I'm Izzy - I'm from Egypt but I live in Orlando.

    I love getting creative in Smartsheet for work-related things.

    Islam Kotb, PMP

  • Rebeca S.
    Rebeca S. Employee
    edited 06/25/24

    Welcome to the Smartsheet Community! 👋

    @dstremic building the inventory management system sounds like a great project, wishing you the best with it! Any audiobooks that you've enjoyed recently?

    @ISKOTB love that you enjoy getting creative with Smartsheet, and so happy to have you as a member of the Community! 😄

    Join us at Smartsheet ENGAGE 2024 🎉
    October 8 - 10, Seattle, WA | Register now