Hello all,

I'm hoping to use a formula to return a JOINED list of shared USERS for all sheets in Sheet 1. I have three additional sheets that contain all the supporting data, but since I don't want group names, is it possible to perform the user lookups from the groups sheet within the COLLECT function?

Sheet 1: A list of Sheets, with each's containing Workspace. (sheetID, workspaceID, sheet name, workspace name)

Sheet 2: A list of Shares (users and groups) for all sheets included in Sheet 1. (shareID, sheetID, userID, groupID, email, User Name, Access, scope)

Sheet 3: A complete list of Workspace shares (users and groups). (shareID, workspaceID, userID, groupID, workspace name, User Name, email, access level, type)

Sheet 4: A complete list of Group members. (groupID, userID, group Name, email, firstName, lastName)

Thanks in advance



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