ErrorCode: 500

We use smartsheet as our scheduling program for a large construction company. Each field employee has their own free login to view the calendar and we recently have had multiple (but not all) employees receive ErrorCode: 500 when trying to view the calendar on their web browser via mobile device. One employee is going on day 3 of not being able to see his schedule, others are intermittent. How can I resolve this or what is the issue?


  • MichaelTCA
    MichaelTCA ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @annika_edp

    How long has the calendar been working prior to the error?

    Does it work on a desktop computer or laptop?

  • @MichaelTCA We've using it for almost a year with issues occasionally. Works on all of our desktops fine as well as other employees mobile devices. Just two employees having the issue at this time.

  • MichaelTCA
    MichaelTCA ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/24/23


    Is there any commonality between the two? Old or new operating system? Same Operating system?

    Mobile apps are always a work in progress (not only for Smartsheet) and sometimes after an update to an operating system or app, the other requires an update to operate entirely with the new software version. Check to see if any updates are missing.

    The last update to the app was on July 15, 2023

    For Android, the required OS is Android 8.0 or newer.

    For Apple, the required OS is iOS 15.0 or newer.

  • Thank you @MichaelTCA . I will check with them on updates. They're not actually utilizing the smartsheet app, they're viewing Smartsheet Calendar on their web browser (Its a much cleaner view for how we use it). It continues to say internal server issue. I just learned that it started happening when they try to open/view an attachment within a calendar event, and has since developed into not being able to see anything on the calendar.

  • Both are up to date, and I've just learned of a few more employees whom are having issues as well. Could it possibly be an issue with the free unlicensed accounts versus the licensed accounts? All field employees have just the free accounts and view our schedule.

  • Did this ever get resolved for you @annika_edp? We are having the same issue today out of the blue after using it for a couple of years without issues, and the issue seems to be between the free user account and licensed accounts, where the free user accounts are getting the ErrorCode 500 message.

  • My company appears to be having the same issues. Users with paid license are not having issues but users with free accounts are receiving "Oops! We're sorry, but something went wrong. (ErrorCode: 500)".

  • Any responses to this issue? I have a paid license and is an Admin on desktop and cannot view the attachments.