Matching Neighbor Cells or Rows to Most Recent Date

Hey All,

Background: Im trying to build a fluid dashboard that tracks information coming in from a form. This form is then routed to several sheets where I break it down further based on certain criteria. I am looking for a way to report on the most recent metrics in the given sheet using the sheet summary feature to make it easy to find and add to a dashboard.

Problem: I need a formula that reports on only the most recent row that has been added to the sheet. I think i can do this by some mixture of index and collect but I'm not sure. Could anyone help out with a formula that would return the matched value with the most recent date in the sheet for the columns "Scouting Health and "Field Rating" please? Is there a way to pull in that info with the date it corresponds too (in this case maybe using max([date]:[date]).I would like to keep them as symbols if possible. First picture is the max formula im using to get the most recent scouting date. Thanks so much!

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