I'm having issues with DataMesh - specifically matching emails - because case matters.....
I could really use a setting that allows me to specify whether I want case to matter (or just make it not case sensitive) when matching values from the source to the target.
Please, oh Please!!!
I have not run into this issues, but completely agree DataMesh should not be case sensitive.
I have run into this issue with DataTable and it is very frustrating.
Ohhh @Samuel Mueller - I haven't seen it with DataTable -but that could explain duplicate issues I've seen....
Yeah. It could just be the way I set it up though. It's hard to tell, especially when trying to match up contacts as the unique identifier. I have been unable to find a clear answer around it.
30+ minutes of troubleshooting later, I identified case sensitivity as my issue too! I have over 1200 rows that are not updating via DataMesh due to this.
I just encountered that same problem. Alternative solution is allow case sensitivity to be an option.