Can I link a Smartsheet cell to a cell in Excel?

Nate420 ✭✭
edited 09/08/23 in Smartsheet Basics

Is there a way to make links from Smartsheet to and Excel file? If so what is the best way to do this?

Best Answer

  • Martha Hemingway
    Martha Hemingway ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    At first glance, I'm not quite entirely sure that's possible. If you had your "excel file" data in a separate smartsheet, you could easily link them.

    Which direction are you wanting to link? Smartsheet cell update the corresponding excel file cell? Or have your smartsheet updated when the excel file is updated?

    If it's helpful any, I have a current solution where we utilize Data Shuttle that will take the excel file and once attached to the Smartsheet, will update how I have mapped. Perhaps DataShuttle could be of use for you? Note - it is a premium application so if your organization does not have it, I would suggest looking into it. There is a good bit of training available on it as well.


  • Martha Hemingway
    Martha Hemingway ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    At first glance, I'm not quite entirely sure that's possible. If you had your "excel file" data in a separate smartsheet, you could easily link them.

    Which direction are you wanting to link? Smartsheet cell update the corresponding excel file cell? Or have your smartsheet updated when the excel file is updated?

    If it's helpful any, I have a current solution where we utilize Data Shuttle that will take the excel file and once attached to the Smartsheet, will update how I have mapped. Perhaps DataShuttle could be of use for you? Note - it is a premium application so if your organization does not have it, I would suggest looking into it. There is a good bit of training available on it as well.