I have a locked row on a sheet within a blueprint in Control Center. I need to have it unlocked. More than 100 sheets are impacted. Was hoping to do this through Global Update but not finding a clear path to do it. Can this be considered for Global Update improvements?
This is possible. Go make a global update for a column change and open the Advanced Setting where there is a locked checkbox.
Thanks for the comment Marina. You reference locking/unlocking columns through global update. I'm looking to unlock a specific row on a template that is common to all projects in a summary section on the sheet. If there is a way to do that, I'd love to hear about it.
Aaah, rows no. Global Update doesn't like rows. I think it treats sheets like columns are fields and rows are transactions. So you can't add rows or change them.
Thanks for confirming. I was afraid this might be the case.