Attach generated document to alert without sending link to sheet


I am trying to automate a process where employees use a form to fill out an inspection, and then their answers are used to generate a document that gets emailed to the inspector as well as the contractor for the job site where they are performing this inspection.

If at all possible, I'd like to, rather than sending a link to the sheet, only send out the generated attachment and the custom message. Thanks


  • Ryan Kramer
    Ryan Kramer ✭✭✭✭✭

    You can do this with a bit of custom coding.

    I believe there is a document builder that would let you take the inputs of a form and using a pre-defined pdf template, you could populate that form and attach it to the row.

    Then you can set up a trigger (or run a schedule) and go through row, get the document and the contact and send them the email with the attached document. I usually prefer schedules as recipients can somewhat have a time frame when they expect to receive the notifications. Otherwise, they often get missed.

    Not sure if there is a way to do this without some coding but maybe the community has some ideas.


  • mitchhaug

    I've got generating the document and sending it to the distribution list sorted. To clarify, I'd like to send out the email with the attachment without sending a link to the sheet itself. I've attached a screenshot of the generated email, and would like to send this email without including the highlighted link to the sheet.

  • Ryan Kramer
    Ryan Kramer ✭✭✭✭✭

    I am not sure how to accomplish that within the automations.

    But if you were to custom code it, then you have a basic email with whatever you want to include (or more importantly not include).

    One of my clients has a similar need and basically every Monday and Friday there are these large reports that get generated off of all the sheets in the solution and emailed to respective department owners.
