Currently unable to use telephone no. validation for Forms, as the validation requires Form users to enter a 10-digit number for New Zealand - standard mobile numbers in NZ differ between 9 and 10 digits.
It would be great if the data validation could be updated to allow for phone numbers that are different to the default 10-digits for New Zealand (and any other countries affected by this issue).
Other solutions welcome.
Similar Problem for Germany. The field is requesting a 12 digit number, but standard for mobile phones is 10. We are 2 digits short.
At the moment the validation in its current form is not usable.
Time zone appropriate telephone confirmation on forms should be a standard feature already. It is frustrating to hear our partners outside of the US have to deal with this.
Michelle Choate
Always happy to walk through any project you need help with! Book time with me here:
Same challenge here, for German phone numbers. please advise.