Can Smartsheet automatically push a date on to a Thursday?


Hello. I thought I’d found the answer to this in a forum a while back, but the answer on there didn’t work for me when I tried it – I’d like to know if there’s a code/formula for Smartsheet to check whether an End Date (publication date) falls on a Thursday and for Smartsheet to automatically move the date along to the next Thursday if it is not currently landing on a Thurs. For instance, if the pub date from the schedule is naturally falling on Monday 6th (based on its predecessors, which may or may not be drawing in from external sheets' dates), Smartsheet recognises that it’s not a Thurs and automatically pushes the date on by three days to Thurs 9th. Obviously if it naturally falls on a Thursday, I'd like Smartsheet to recognise it and leave it be.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you

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