Combine two pro plans under the same pro plan

We want to combine the accounts of two different licensed users that are on separate pro plans. They have different account names and they are not able to collaborate. We'd like to put them under the same account name and organization so that they can collaborate. I reached out to Smartsheet and have not received help. I just keep getting told that we have to buy a 3rd license. We don't need another license, we just need to combine accounts. The person who called was completely unhelpful. She said she would have someone call me, but I have had no response from Smartsheet and now my ticket has disappeared from the Smartsheet Portal. If anyone can tell me how to simply combine two different pro plans so they can collaborate, I would welcome the help.


  • Hi @Profe17

    Here's our documentation on how to combine two accounts: Consolidate Smartsheet accounts

    There are a couple of things to note before going through the steps in that article:

    1 - Keep both users set as System Admins

    2 - The System Admin that is inviting the other System Admin needs to make sure that their current plan has enough licenses to take on all licensed users from the other plan.

    For example:

    • Pro Plan #1 has 3 licenses, with only 1 license assigned to the System Admin
    • Pro Plan #2 has 3 licenses and all 3 are assigned to different emails

    This means that before the merge, Plan #1 will need to purchase 1 more license to take on all 3 of the second plan's resources, as they only have space for 2 right now.

    In regards to the Support ticket disappearing, it sounds like the agent may have forwarded your concerns to a different department, since Finance helps with billing concerns or Sales can help determine the best plan for your needs. These types of cases do not currently appear in the Support Portal.

    Let us know if you're getting an error message or pop-up explaining why you may not be able to consolidate these accounts! (But please block out any sensitive data in your screen captures)



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  • Profe17
    Profe17 ✭✭

    Genevieve, I appreciate that you reached out to help me, but I am confused by what you refer to as:

    • Pro Plan #1 has 3 licenses, with only 1 license assigned to the System Admin
    • Pro Plan #2 has 3 licenses and all 3 are assigned to different emails

    Are these pro plans referring to the pro plans in our organization? If I could get more detail on these either from you or if you can direct me to where we can find this information with our own logins, we can clear up the confusion. IF these are referring to our personal plans, I'm not sure why there would be one with 3 different emails as only 2 of us have licenses.

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    edited 10/04/23

    Hi @Profe17

    My apologies for the confusion, I was using two random Pro Plans as an example, unrelated to your specific license count.

    You can find out what type of plan you're on and how many licenses you have by clicking on your Account (circle in the bottom left corner of Smartsheet) and going to Account Admin > Plan and Billing Info.

    See: Identify your Smartsheet plan and user type

    With each plan type (Pro, Business, Enterprise...) you can have multiple Licensed users as Members of the plan, however each license comes with a cost.

    This means if you've only purchased 1 license on a Pro Plan for one user, then you cannot invite anyone to join as a licensed user, since you do not have enough "space" for them... your licenses are all allocated. Does that help?

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  • Profe17
    Profe17 ✭✭
    edited 10/04/23

    Attached is the screenshot of what we both see in our accounts. My colleague has a pro plan with her as 1 licensed user. I have a pro plan with myself as 1 licensed user. All together we have paid for 2 licensed users. In your response you stated, "With each plan type (Pro, Business, Enterprise...) you can have multiple Licensed users as Members of the plan, however each license comes with a cost." We have paid the cost for each license and simply want to combine them into the same plan so that we have editing privileges on each other's sheets. I assume this is possible according to the plans.

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    edited 10/04/23

    Hi @Profe17

    Consolidating accounts does not add together the total licenses from across both plans: Plan A (the one inviting the other System Admin) needs to already have the total licenses. Then Plan B (the one being merged) gives up their licenses during the consolidation.

    This means that currently if you tried to consolidate your two plans you would still only have 1 license total, as the other account payments are cancelled/closed.

    It's perhaps easier to think of it as if you are inviting in someone who does not have an account at all. If this colleague did not have a Smartsheet account and you wanted them to edit your sheets, you would need to purchase a license on your plan and give it to that email address.

    However since they do already have an account and a license, here are the consolidation steps:

    • Pay for a second license on your specific plan first.
    • Then invite your colleague in as a licensed user.
    • This will send them an email with a link to accept the merge invitation.
    • After they accept, their previous subscription will close.
    • If they're on an annual plan billed on a credit card, the closed subscription will receive a prorated refund for the paid time remaining.

    (Note that if the prorated calculation is less than $20, no refund will be issued.)

    Let me know if I can clarify anything further for you and I'd be happy to help describe other scenarios or explanations.



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