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Over riding dependency per activity without deleting the tie

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I am having problems holding start and finish dates for out of sequence activities that are in-progress or completed. 

So if the activity is in-progress or complete and not all the predecessors have completed as planned and the dates will continue to push as the predecessor pushes. I would rather not cut the tie to hold the date and lose the information. I am fairly new to smart sheets,

So is there a way to status the activity such that the dependency for that row is disabled?


  • Hi Brett,

    If you're changing the finish date on your predecessor-most task (the one that other tasks are dependent on, but doesn't have a dependency of its own), then the rest of your tasks should adjust. Dependencies are made to show that one task can't and shouldn't be completed until its predecessor is completed.

    You might choose a different dependency type if you want different behavior, or add lag or lead time to you tasks. Details on this are in the Enabling Dependencies article.

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