Task hours spread over a week


We work in a digital marketing agency; with individuals working on multiple tasks across multiple days.

How can we spread an 8 hour task over a 5 day week without restricting the task to one day and without creating 5 smaller tasks for each day (as priorities may need to change due to emergency escalations)

For example:

Task: A

Duration: 5 Days

Planned Hours: 8 Hours

Assigning it within a timing window of 5 days, instead of restricting the task to a singular day. Providing flexibility for inter-team communications, emails and troubleshooting. Assigning to a 5 day task will translate as 40 hours which we do not want

Are there any potential solutions for us?

Many thanks,


  • Tim C
    Tim C ✭✭✭✭✭

    In resource management one of the choices for allocation is a "bucket" of hours over a time period. Click on the person, go to their allocation and select the bucket of hours you want. It will show up as a % in the project plan in Smartsheet since that's how Smartsheet calculates it. Might work for your scenario?