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Card view on mobile app of reports.


We have built a production log that gets regular status updates throughout the production process. The main sheet where all data is entered is not available to the majority of our users as there is some sensitive information in there. We have created a report that shows them only the columns needed for the production process and it allows them to change the status as the product moves through. This works perfectly for our needs, we have found only one flaw that makes it hard to work with the mobile app. There is no card view for reports in the mobile app like there is on the site. This would make it very simple to change the status of each line item on the fly. The sheets on the mobile app allow this view but not the reports???

2 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • JessN
    JessN ✭✭

    I would also like to see this implemented. I don't understand why card view is not currently available for reports on mobile, especially since it is available for sheets. It is far easier to create a report to pull specific information from a sheet, but many of the people who view these reports use the mobile app, so they aren't able to access card view, which would make it much easier for them to view the information rather than having to scroll left and right for each row.