Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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3 Row Limit for workflow notification to slack

I've set up an automation to send a slack notification when a date is reached on a sheet. Typically there are only 2-3 rows that trigger this on a daily basis.

However when more than 3 are triggered, the slack notification only shows the first 3 rows and then indicates there is 1 other row but no further info. Is there a way to ensure more rows are shown in the slack notification?


  • Community Champion
    edited 10/27/23

    Hi Jared Meyer,

    I got this idea :

    Create 2 new helper columns : "RowID" (auto-number) and "Count" as below screenshot

    The "Count" column has the column formula as below:

    =IFERROR(MATCH(RowID@row, COLLECT(RowID:RowID, [Appointment Time - MT]:[Appointment Time - MT], @cell <> ""), 0), "")

    Modify your worflow, add more "Count" checking condition as below:

    Hope it works for you.

    Gia Thinh Technology - Smartsheet Solution Partner.
    Email :

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