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Smartsheet Basics

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Proof Experts - Please Help

Community Champion

Hello esteemed Smartsheet Community members. I'm going down a new path in Smartsheet for me and that is with using Proofs. I worked through a brief demo with a colleague last week and ran into some unrealized items, so I'm here to pose a few questions and am looking for whatever feedback I can receive.

  1. What level/s of access can approve/reject a Proof? I'm thinking the user doesn't even need access to the sheet to be able to perform this action since the documentation states that any e-mail address can be invited to weigh in on the Proof. I don't really want/need anyone making changes to my sheet, so if I can provide Commenter access to the sheet and invite the necessary user (from a column) to review/approve, then I simply didn't want to restrict them from what I'm requesting them to do (provide the approval).
  2. What level/s of access can slide the Review Complete slider? Initially, I thought I wanted the approver to hit 'approve' and then also slide the slider to complete the Proof. However, that option wasn't available to my test user, so I think as the Sheet Owner, I'll take that on to mark the Proof Complete. The approval name will still be tied to that user. Curious if others have followed another workflow for this.

My assumption is that I've got a mix of licensed and unlicensed users who will be approvers and also viewers of the sheet/Proofs.

Thanks for any inputs. Looking forward to leveraging another bit of Smartsheet functionality with Proofs and seeing where else I can apply the functionality.

Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Jake Gustafson

    While you can add any email address to request a review of the proof, the user who has received the request needs to have a Smartsheet account (it could be licensed or free). You do not need to share the sheet with a reviewer, if the objective is just to get an OK for the proof.

    The review complete slider can only be done by Owners, Admins, or Editors in that sheet (having a licensed Smartsheet account).


    Aravind GP| Delivery Manager

    Atturra Data & Integration

    M: +61493337445



  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Jake Gustafson

    While you can add any email address to request a review of the proof, the user who has received the request needs to have a Smartsheet account (it could be licensed or free). You do not need to share the sheet with a reviewer, if the objective is just to get an OK for the proof.

    The review complete slider can only be done by Owners, Admins, or Editors in that sheet (having a licensed Smartsheet account).


    Aravind GP| Delivery Manager

    Atturra Data & Integration

    M: +61493337445


  • Community Champion

    I think the last bit answered my question there. My 'test' user (who is actually an approver) is not a licensed Smartsheet user, therefore, she wasn't able to toggle the slider.

    Thanks for the clarification.

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