

how many ongoing and done to show using a pie chart? I need to make the ongoing and done status in one column. please suggest the formulas

please suggest ideas. I appreciate any help. Have a nice day

Best Answer

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Kumar

    I am not sure which formula you need, so here are some options:

    1) To create a table like Ariel's from your Ongoing Status and Close Status columns you can use a COUNTIF formula

    =COUNTIF([Ongoing Status]:[Ongoing Status], "ONGOING")

    =COUNTIF([Close Status]:[Close Status], "DONE")

    2) To combine your Ongoing Status and Close Status columns into one column you can use an IF formula with a second, nested IF formula to be evaluated if the first is false:

    =IF([Ongoing Status]@row = "ONGOING", "ONGOING", IF([Close Status]@row = "DONE", "DONE"))

    I hope one of these is what you need.


  • Ariel M
    Ariel M ✭✭✭

    Hi Kumar,

    There will be a need for you to create a new sheet where your pie chart will reference data from. You'll need this sheet to count how many On goings and Done's are in that tracker in your screenshot. the outcome will look like from my screenshot on the left hand side. then your pie chart should look like what i got. Hope this helps!

  • hi Ariel,

    can you please send the formula?Thanks

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Kumar

    I am not sure which formula you need, so here are some options:

    1) To create a table like Ariel's from your Ongoing Status and Close Status columns you can use a COUNTIF formula

    =COUNTIF([Ongoing Status]:[Ongoing Status], "ONGOING")

    =COUNTIF([Close Status]:[Close Status], "DONE")

    2) To combine your Ongoing Status and Close Status columns into one column you can use an IF formula with a second, nested IF formula to be evaluated if the first is false:

    =IF([Ongoing Status]@row = "ONGOING", "ONGOING", IF([Close Status]@row = "DONE", "DONE"))

    I hope one of these is what you need.