Why is SmartSheet contacting everyone in the contacts column even when they don't meet the criteria?

dmartin ✭✭
edited 12/01/23 in Formulas and Functions

I've been working on setting up a workflow sheet for volunteers in a graduation ceremony. My columns are "job, first/last name, date/time, email, phone number." The "Email" is a contact column and the picture shows how I have set up the workflow. Why is the sheet sending the message to every contact in the email column when the parameters of the workflow only allow for certain "Jobs" to be the recipients?? Please help!

Do I need to made a condition that "Item" aka "Job" contains only the one I want to be sent the message?


  • Hi @dmartin

    How are you triggering the workflow, are you waiting for the trigger to happen or are you testing it using "Run Now" option?

    The Run Now option skips the trigger block, so in this case yes, you'll want to ensure the "Item" detail is in the Condition block as well. Here's more information: Manually run a workflow



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