Dashboard Embeded on SharePoint issue with resizing

Issue Description: When embedding smartsheet dashboards into Sharepoint sites, the “resize to fit the page” stopped working.

We have many pages, with multiple dashboards embedded, that have all worked fine, and have resized to show the full dashboard within the space on sharepoint.

As of 12-6-23, that resizing has stopped working, and the dashboards are getting cut off and make parts of the reports unreadable.

I created a test page with “dummy data" to illustrate: 

Image 1: Dashboard as seen in Smartsheets

Image 2: Embedding into Sharepoint and ensuring the “resize to fit the page” option is set to on: 

Image 3: Published SharePoint page showing the dashboard not resizing, and cutting off information.


  • Hi @Dan Robideaux

    Thank you for reporting this change in behaviour! I've checked in with our Support team and they're investigating this to see if there were any updates on the 6th of December that may account for what you're seeing.



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  • Dan Robideaux
    Dan Robideaux ✭✭✭
    edited 12/12/23

    Thank you Genevieve,

    While this is investigated, my team and I have started to work through every one of our dashboards and reformat them to occupy only the left 80% of the available space so they will display properly in the SharePoint space.

    Obviously, this is not ideal, and a ton of unnecessary work.

    I do not believe that the button on SharePoint to "Resize to fit the page" has anything to do with it. As you toggle that button you can see the change that SharePoint makes, so that seems to be functioning.

  • note: Smartsheet engineering released a patch and fixed this issue