Formulas and Functions

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Contact Formula from Latest Comment Column


Hello all - I'm looking for some formula help. Without getting to deep, I'm looking to develop a formula that can extract the emails from Latest Comment, regardless of their position in the comment, if/when they are added in the latest comment.

I currently can move (1) email but not multiple ones. I then put it in a helper column to then run a report off by current user for our ticket system.

With some community searches, Here is my current formula:

=IFERROR(REPLACE(RIGHT(LEFT([Latest Comment]@row, FIND("@", [Latest Comment]@row, 1) - 1), LEN(LEFT([Latest Comment]@row, FIND("@", [Latest Comment]@row, 1) - 1)) - FIND("!", SUBSTITUTE(LEFT([Latest Comment]@row, FIND("@", [Latest Comment]@row, 1) - 1), " ", "!", LEN(LEFT([Latest Comment]@row, FIND("@", [Latest Comment]@row, 1) - 1)) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(LEFT([Latest Comment]@row, FIND("@", [Latest Comment]@row, 1) - 1), " ", ""))), 1)) + LEFT(MID([Latest Comment]@row, FIND("@", [Latest Comment]@row, 1), 256), FIND(" ", MID([Latest Comment]@row, FIND("@", [Latest Comment]@row, 1), 256), 1)), 1, 1, ""), "")

Any help with this would be great. Thank you!


Michael Halvey

"Strive for Progress, not Perfection."


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