Using the same field across different forms in one sheet


Hi there,

I'm working to build a request management system using forms where requestors will simply see a dashboard with icons/text and can select the type of request they need to submit. Since each request is quite different and I want to track the different types of requests, I'd like to list "Request Type" in each of the different forms. Ideally, these forms would all be set up from one sheet so that it can feed into a metrics dashboard. Is there any way to do this?

Setting up a different sheet for each form isn't ideal, as the people responding to the requests are on one team, and it would be far better to see an aggregate view of all requests (not to mention needing the automatic numbering system that comes from having one sheet).

Many thanks in advance!

Best Answer

  • RickyT
    RickyT ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Yes you can do this. In the upper left of your sheet you can see the forms button. From there make a form for each request type. Per each form youll have to go in and Pre-fill the forms request type to the kind of form you want it to be and then make that question on the form hidden so the user cant change it. All of these forms will feed the same sheet.

    Ricky T

    Gov Contractor for USSF


  • RickyT
    RickyT ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Yes you can do this. In the upper left of your sheet you can see the forms button. From there make a form for each request type. Per each form youll have to go in and Pre-fill the forms request type to the kind of form you want it to be and then make that question on the form hidden so the user cant change it. All of these forms will feed the same sheet.

    Ricky T

    Gov Contractor for USSF

    IADLHR ✭✭

    Thanks, RickyT! What I'm running into is that I can't even use a field called "Request Type" in each form - I'm getting an error message that says "column name is already in use in this sheet."

    IADLHR ✭✭

    Nevermind - I was completely missing that "Request Type" was autopopulating whenever I tried to create a new form. The idea of auto-selecting the relevant request type and then hiding that field in the form is smart - I will be doing that. Thank you!