I am looking for creative ideas on how to create a gap analysis

Cat.Cosby ✭✭✭✭
edited 01/19/24 in Smartsheet Basics

We are currently in the process of assessing our skill proficiency levels, ranging from Level 1 to Level 5. To visualize this, I've created a heat map that illustrates our current skill landscape and the proficiency levels we possess as an organization.

As part of our strategic approach, we are now reaching out to external departments to understand their specific needs. These requests are directly linked to the skills we have identified in our heat map. For instance, if a department requests skills related to artificial intelligence (AI), we refer to our heat map to verify the proficiency levels. This enables us to make informed decisions about our capability to fulfill their request.

To enhance our analysis, I also aim to categorize the demand for each skill into "High Demand," "Moderate Demand," and "Low Demand." My proposed criteria for categorization are as follows: 20 or more requests classify as "High Demand," 11-20 requests as "Moderate Demand," and 1-11 requests as "Low Demand." This will provide a clear indication of the demand intensity for each skill. Additionally, I am exploring ways to integrate the "Skills Proficiency" graph with the "Skills Demand" graph. The objective is to create a comprehensive visual representation that highlights the gap analysis between our existing skills and the skills requested by external departments.

The envisioned outcome is a visual tool that not only showcases our current proficiency but also aligns it with the demand levels, allowing for a more strategic and data-driven approach in addressing skill gaps and fulfilling external requests.


Best Answer

  • Cat.Cosby
    Cat.Cosby ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Julie Fortney Good news—I figured out the solution, and it turns out I was making it more complicated than it needed to be, haha. Here's the deal: my chart is basically counting each proficiency level separately in orange ( Level 5, Level 4, and so on). That's what gives us the heat map.

    Now, the last piece of the puzzle is counting how many times each skills bucket is being requested (AI SKILLS, BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, and so on). It's pretty straightforward! So, on my graph, the orange part shows the current state of our proficiency levels, and right underneath is the grey part shows how many times a specific skill is being requested. Easy peasy! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! 😊


  • Julie Fortney
    Julie Fortney Overachievers

    Where does skill level come into play? If AI skills are in high demand, how would you evaluate the number of people with those skills, and their skill level, against that high demand? (e.g. If a skill is in high demand, is that satisfied by having 5 people with that skill, or do I need to take into account the average skill level of those 5 people?)

    Once you establish objective criteria, I'm sure you can build some cool charts!

  • Cat.Cosby
    Cat.Cosby ✭✭✭✭

    @Julie Fortney I'm currently facing challenges in figuring out the most effective method for tracking this. I'm optimistic that I'll discover a solution soon. I completely agree with you – once I have it sorted out, the charts will be nothing short of fantastic!

  • Julie Fortney
    Julie Fortney Overachievers

    @Cat.Cosby Awesome! Feel free to post screenshots if you want to share once you get them set up! I'm always getting new ideas from others' solutions. :)

  • Cat.Cosby
    Cat.Cosby ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Julie Fortney Good news—I figured out the solution, and it turns out I was making it more complicated than it needed to be, haha. Here's the deal: my chart is basically counting each proficiency level separately in orange ( Level 5, Level 4, and so on). That's what gives us the heat map.

    Now, the last piece of the puzzle is counting how many times each skills bucket is being requested (AI SKILLS, BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, and so on). It's pretty straightforward! So, on my graph, the orange part shows the current state of our proficiency levels, and right underneath is the grey part shows how many times a specific skill is being requested. Easy peasy! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! 😊