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=IF formula ???


I am trying to create an alert formula. I need to contact people every 15 days. I have one cell that states "Last contact" and the date, another that states "Next contact"and the date, the third cell, I would like it to state "Contact" in red. Can anyone help me formulate the "Contact" cell?


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    What are the conditions for the third cell? When do you want it to appear. Do you want it change color based on the date? Please give us more detail to help us understand what you are trying to accomplish in the final cell. 

  • Hello Mike, 

    Thank you for your assistance. I've answered your questions below, I hope it is clear. I've also attached a picture of how I want it to look. 

    1. What are the conditions for the third cell? Contact every 15 days from "Last Contacted" date

    2.When do you want it to appear? "Contact" should appear after the 15 days are up

    3. Do you want it change color based on the date? Yes, after the 15 days are up the Action box should read "Contact" (the entire box should be red with the word "Contact" in it)



  • thank you, I got it to work

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    =IF(TODAY() - [Date of Next Contact]1 >= 15, "Contact", "Contacted") 

    You could change "contacted" to any other message or delete the word and leave the quotation marks to just have the cell blank.

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