i am trying to create an automation but cant find the any the sheets on my workspaces


  • Monique Odom-Stearn
    Monique Odom-Stearn Community Champion

    Hello @zow,

    Can you confirm if you are the Owner or Admin of your destination sheet? You must be an Owner or Admin of both the source and destination sheets in order to create an automation to move or copy rows between sheets.

    If my comment helped you, please help others by marking it as an accepted answer and consider helping me by clicking the 💡Insightful or ❤️Awesome buttons below!

    Monique Odom-Stearn

    Architecture Solutions Manager

    Smartsheet Leader & Community Champion

    Pronouns: She/Her (What’s this?)

    “Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!” – Ms. Frizzle

  • zow
    zow ✭✭✭

    yes i am. issues sorted


  • I am now having the same issue. I got an alert that the automation stopped yesterday. I am an admin on both sheets, but when I search for a sheet nothing shows. Any ideas?

  • Keith Turk
    Keith Turk ✭✭✭

    I am having the same issue and I am the owner of both sheets, I think there may be a wider problem.

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