Program Management within PMO structure

I need to set up a Program (Multiple projects). What is the best way to do this within my portfolio? Set up each project in the program as a separate projects? add these projects as separate sections within one project plan?

Ultimate goal is the have a status for the program and have the program report as a status in the portfolio. Example

Portfolio contains the following:

Project A

Project B

Project C

Program X. This program has the following projects:

Project x-1

Project x-2

Project x-3


  • Ash A.
    Ash A. Employee

    There are a variety factors that can drive this decision. Here are a few that can help guide:

    • Are there comprehensive set of tasks for each project?
    • Do you intend to have different sets of people shared to each project plan?
    • Are you trying to create separate metrics for each project to roll into a dashboard?

    If you answered yes to any of the above, then I would recommend create a project plan for each project. Hope this helps!

  • I am attempting to create this same relationship. i.e. Multiple related/inter-related projects all tied to a single program. To answer your questions above...

    Yes. Each project will have a fully backed project plan with a comprehensive set of tasks.

    Possibly. I would imagine there will be overlapping resources on each project. However, there may be some resources specific to a single project and not included in others.

    I can get each project's individual metrics from that project's individual dashboard and/or status report. However, because the projects are part of a larger program, I need to be able to create dependencies between and across projects as well as display an accumulative view of metrics for the program. It is a core and fundamental piece of an actual Project Portfolio Management tool. An example would be that an issue, putting a major milestone on Project A at risk impacts the path to a dependent Major Milestone on Project B.

    How does Smartsheet provide for Program Management?

  • tzaczyk
    tzaczyk ✭✭
    edited 06/10/24

    @KKiefer, I have the same need. Did you ever get specific direction as to how to accomplish this?