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Using pointers for relative addressing


Is this possible in smartsheet?  (I have searched through the list of functions, a video on the use of cells, and the community but have not located any info on this.)

Would like a formula to look at the current row's dependency and treat that value as a pointer to reference the value on another column in the row represented by the value of the dependency; if you are familiar with pointers in "C" I think you will get what I am looking for (https://users.cs.cf.ac.uk/Dave.Marshall/C/node10.html).

Example: A sheet has the column [Unique ID], a Dependency column, and various other columns. One column would have a formula to look at the current row's dependency and use that value to reference the value in the [Unique ID] column in the row specified by the value in the dependency of the "current" row. 





  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Not specifically pointers, but ...

    sometimes I can get similar effects using LOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, COUNT, and probably some others that escape me at the moment.

    I'd need to see the data (not a written description of it) to see what you are really trying to accomplish. I have not found a one-size-fits-all solution to referencing elsewhere in a sheet or other sheets.



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