Rows are not visible to users

I've created a workflow to move rows after specific criteria met, I ran the workflow to move rows to new sheet. All rows are vanished I see empty sheet now and moved rows are not visible in new sheet as well.

I've requested backup from activities and reloaded the sheet but rows are not visible to the users. 'Snip 2&3' are what user are seeing and 'Snip4' is what I see. 'Snip 1' is the workflow which I created.

Main issue is rows are not visible to users, I can rebuild the smartsheet and instead of workflow I can use conditional formatting for my use. Could you help me with this?

Best Answer

  • John_Foster
    John_Foster ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Veerapratap,

    The issue you have with moving all rows is that there is not a condition. If you add a condition for checking the Status of Shipped, this will then only move those rows.

    As for why the rows are not showing in the new sheet, is there a second "Shipment Tracker - Shipped" sheet that they could have been moved to?



  • John_Foster
    John_Foster ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Veerapratap,

    The issue you have with moving all rows is that there is not a condition. If you add a condition for checking the Status of Shipped, this will then only move those rows.

    As for why the rows are not showing in the new sheet, is there a second "Shipment Tracker - Shipped" sheet that they could have been moved to?
