
Hello, I am currently attempting to organize my files in Workspace by creating folders to group them. I am doing this by dragging and dropping sheets from the 'Sheets' folder into my 'Workspace' folder. However, some sheets that I own and created do not appear in the 'Sheets' folder. I even tried editing some details in my sheet so it would show up under 'last updated,' but it still doesn't appear. Is there a different way to move sheets to a Workspace folder, or am I overlooking something?

This is the name of my Sheet

But, as you will see here, it isn't showing up in my Sheets fold.

Best Answer

  • Matt Small
    Matt Small ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    The sheets folder is essentially the location where you have items that are not in a Workspace. Once you move it to a Workspace it no longer appears in your sheets folder because it is now organized into the Workspace instead of the sheets folder.

    Side note:

    When on a sheet if you click File -> Properties the "Location" will tell you where the sheet is located.


  • Matt Small
    Matt Small ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    The sheets folder is essentially the location where you have items that are not in a Workspace. Once you move it to a Workspace it no longer appears in your sheets folder because it is now organized into the Workspace instead of the sheets folder.

    Side note:

    When on a sheet if you click File -> Properties the "Location" will tell you where the sheet is located.

  • Evan Fowler
    Evan Fowler ✭✭✭

    That you for the info Matt. The thing was I hadn't moved it to my Workspace yet because it wasn't showing up in Sheets.

    However, with this new information on where to see the location of a Sheet I was able to find it hiding in a random folder. I must have dropped it there by mistake. Thank you for that information :)