How can I change the color of a cell if five certain columns all contain "Located" or "Clear"?


I have a column named "Ready". I want to change the color of the cell in that column to green if the cells in these five other columns all contain "Located" or "Clear".

I've figured out how to check a box if any of these columns contain "Delayed" but I want a visual representation if the row is completely ready. I've tried to find a formula for another column to check a box if all of the cells contain "Located" or "Clear" and then use that to conditionally format the cell in the ready column, but I can't find a formula that works.

Best Answer

  • AravindGP
    AravindGP ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @elambert

    You will need to create a helper column to hold a formula for your conditions and then use the conditional formatting based on this helper column.

    Here's the formula that is used in the Helper column.

    =IF(AND(OR(CONTAINS("Located", Entergy@row), CONTAINS("Clear", Entergy@row)), OR(CONTAINS("Located", Brightspeed@row), CONTAINS("Clear", Brightspeed@row)), OR(CONTAINS("Located", Suddenlink@row), CONTAINS("Clear", Ritter@row)), OR(CONTAINS("Located", [Summit Utilities]@row), CONTAINS("Clear", [Summit Utilities]@row))), 1, 0)

    Conditional Format



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  • AravindGP
    AravindGP ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @elambert

    You will need to create a helper column to hold a formula for your conditions and then use the conditional formatting based on this helper column.

    Here's the formula that is used in the Helper column.

    =IF(AND(OR(CONTAINS("Located", Entergy@row), CONTAINS("Clear", Entergy@row)), OR(CONTAINS("Located", Brightspeed@row), CONTAINS("Clear", Brightspeed@row)), OR(CONTAINS("Located", Suddenlink@row), CONTAINS("Clear", Ritter@row)), OR(CONTAINS("Located", [Summit Utilities]@row), CONTAINS("Clear", [Summit Utilities]@row))), 1, 0)

    Conditional Format



    Reach out for any help on licenses, configuration, or training

  • SmartWay360
    SmartWay360 ✭✭✭✭


    I recommend to use Conditional Formatting:

    You can easily create conditions choosing Add new rule button.

    Then you are defining rule:

    For "Set condition" you need to choose each option:

    combining with Add condition (AND)

    The final conditions definition:

    With result:

    If you need more information on Conditional Formatting you can check: Apply automatic formatting with conditional formatting rules | Smartsheet Learning Center

    Hope this helped :)



  • elambert
    elambert ✭✭✭
    edited 03/05/24

    That is exactly what I needed. That is amazingly helpful. I tend to get lost in all of the (([{{}}]))). I did find a way to conditionally format the ready column, but the formula will allow me to reference to another sheet.

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