Formulas and Functions

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How Do I Sum Up Values from One Sheet to Another With Different Criteria?

edited 03/07/24 in Formulas and Functions

Starting with the basic of, how do I populate from one sheet to another while adding a running total? The next layer to this is, how can I get different sub sections to specifically populate into another sheet. In my photo you'll see "Parent Node F" with a total footage in bold and a delta (Production Master). In the other sheet is the daily production for work being done. The Parent Node has Child Nodes designated "a,b,c,d,e, and f"

So, If I put that a crew did 500' in Parent Node F, Child Node A, how can I get that total to reflect into the other roll up sheet (Production Master)? Keep in mind, if work gets done in Parent F Child B, then that total has to go the "b" column in the master and keep adding to that total day after day. Day by day those lines will increase more and more so how do I automate it to capture it in the tracker and then add it to the master?

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