Trending in Resource Management
How can I change the Schedule to view at a project level not task level?
In Resource Manager, I'm looking for a Schedule view or a Report that will show me people, the projects they are working on and the allocation on that project, but I would like the view to exclude the task level. The basic Schedule view of People and Assignment Details would work well if I could find a way to remove the…
Workload in Smartsheet
For clarification: What are the license requirements to see the Workload heatmap in a Smartsheet project plan ? I was under the impression that a project manager would NOT need an RM license to see this ?
Business plan. Limitations on the number of dashboard widgets. No access to Team workload tracking
Good afternoon. I am a license holder by invitation to the work team of our company under the Business tariff. Why the license holder has a restriction on the number of widgets on the motherboard, if the business plan does not have these restrictions, and the restrictive message says “upgrade to Business or Corporate”?.…