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Policies and Procedures


I serve as the compliance officer for a nonprofit mental health outpatient clinic. We are new to Smartsheet. Our goal is to have a single source of truth for policies and procedures. I used the Risk Assessment template and found it easy to work with. Now working with the Policy Governance Inventory template.



  • I'd love to hear more about how you are using Smartsheet for policy governance and change management. Are your SOPs regulated and subject to audit?

  • A.J.
    A.J. ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I work in a 65,000 person org; our enterprise policies are in Archer but our departmental SOPs are housed and accessible in Smartsheet!

  • Ken Armstrong
    Ken Armstrong ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Please let me know if you need ideas for this. I have created many in the past that are auditable against ISO 9001-2015.

    Ken Armstrong

    Smartsheet Project Manager, GE Aerospace

    Certified Smartsheet Administrator

    Be Firm! Be Fair! Be Friendly! Be Honest!!!

  • List all required policies and procedures in a spreadsheet, including their titles, descriptions, and expiration dates. Identify who is responsible for each policy or procedure so that it is clear who is responsible for enforcing and updating it. Indicate the expiration dates for each policy and procedure so that you can be reviewed and updated in a timely manner. Use the status column to track the current status of each policy or procedure.

  • Erin Horiuchi Green
    Erin Horiuchi Green ✭✭✭✭✭

    I highly recommend the WorkApp and the Role access assignment to create view from Executive down to Individual Contributor.

    I am in the process of migrating my Dashboards into an interactive WorkApp which is actually increasing adoption and lean in with the no code build.

    I do recommend generating an API token and using Python where possible. But, the Developer Community requires a secondary email to get a Sandbox.

    Erin Horiuchi Green, MBA, LSSYB, PSMI
    Process Manager
    Syneos Health

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    Core App and Project Managment Certified 🚀