What is the best way to automatically have my status rows be "NOT STARTED" in dependency rows?

I am tryin gto use an IF statement, something like..

"=IF([Status]19= NOT STARTED], [STATUS](20:26) = NOT STARTED, ,)"

My goal is to get the dependency rows under a main phase row to auto update to "not started," when that top row is "not started"....


  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/29/24

    You need to put the formula in the cell where the result of the formula will appear. In your case this means on the child rows (the indented ones).

    The IF formula syntax is

    • logic
    • value to return if true (you don’t specify where as the formula is in the cell)
    • Value to return if false (optional)

    Your logic will be PARENT()=“Not Started”

    Meaning the parent row in the same column shows “Not Started”. Using parent will be easier and more reliable than referring to row 19, although Status19 would also work.

    So the IF is

    =IF(PARENT()="Not Started","Not Started")

  • ok, i have tried that IF statement provided and it is giving me an "unparseable" i also tried: =IF([Status]10)=“NOT STARTED”,”NOT STARTED”)

  • I also tried: =IF(Status10)=“NOT STARTED”,”NOT STARTED”)

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Please type the formula into the cell, don’t copy paste from here as the quote marks are being converted to smart quotes. They should be straight quotes.