Help stacking COUNTIFS?


I have two fully operational COUNTIFS functions that calculate independently without issue. One counts how many absences occurred in a specific time range by referencing a date column on an attendance tracking sheet. The other counts how many absences occurred in a specific location by referencing a location column on the same tracking sheet.

I am trying to calculate how many absences occurred in a specific location for a specific date range, in this case how many absences occurred in the month of April 2024 at the ALX location, but I cannot figure out how to stack these two formulas.

First formula: =COUNTIFS({Attendance Tracking - All Records Range 2}, <=DATE(2024, 4, 30), {Attendance Tracking - All Records Range 2}, >=DATE(2024, 4, 1))

Second formula: =COUNTIFS({Attendance Tracking - All Records Range 3}, "ALX")


Best Answer

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Take formula 1 and add a comma and paste in the range and criteria from formula 2

    =COUNTIFS({Attendance Tracking - All Records Range 2}, <=DATE(2024, 4, 30), {Attendance Tracking - All Records Range 2}, >=DATE(2024, 4, 1),{Attendance Tracking - All Records Range 3}, "ALX")


  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Take formula 1 and add a comma and paste in the range and criteria from formula 2

    =COUNTIFS({Attendance Tracking - All Records Range 2}, <=DATE(2024, 4, 30), {Attendance Tracking - All Records Range 2}, >=DATE(2024, 4, 1),{Attendance Tracking - All Records Range 3}, "ALX")

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