Request Approval Workflow Help


Hello! I am trying to set up an approver workflow where after the GM or Director email is entered, it sends the trigger to that specific email to approve or deny the request. When I'm setting up the automation, I used option "Select contacts in a cell" hoping that I could choose the column with the GM email in it since there will be multiple option approvers each time. It comes up with No Results. How can I trigger the approval to send to the email provided?

Best Answer

  • Will Jeffords
    Will Jeffords ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Shaina, I suspect your issue is that to use the automation as you intend, your column that has the GM/Dir has to be "Contact" type. This means that you will need to either pre-populate the possible choices that your users will see (this is the recommended path if you are using a form for the GM/Dir selection), or at least make sure that those individuals are "in" your Smartsheet instance as recognizable contacts whose info will appear as people start typing the email address in the field. Eitther way, the automation does require that the field (therefore column) be of "Contact" type. Let me know if further assistance is needed - happy to help!




  • Will Jeffords
    Will Jeffords ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Shaina, I suspect your issue is that to use the automation as you intend, your column that has the GM/Dir has to be "Contact" type. This means that you will need to either pre-populate the possible choices that your users will see (this is the recommended path if you are using a form for the GM/Dir selection), or at least make sure that those individuals are "in" your Smartsheet instance as recognizable contacts whose info will appear as people start typing the email address in the field. Eitther way, the automation does require that the field (therefore column) be of "Contact" type. Let me know if further assistance is needed - happy to help!



  • Shaina

    Hi Will! This was great information! Thank you, I've gotten the automations working now.

    Thank you again,


  • Will Jeffords
    Will Jeffords ✭✭✭✭✭

    Glad to help! Let me know if you ever need further assistance…automations are so very powerful!

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