Dashboard Display

Hi Team

I have put below report on Dashboard , although cant get rid of the first row [Overview /detail /Column 3 etc] Is there a way to do that

Also I need to put 6 separate tables on Dashboard with text information like below which will have 2 columns in each , Do I have to create 6 separate sheets and reports from it or is there an easier way to do this from 1 sheet only , Any ideas will be helpful



  • Jason P
    Jason P ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi tushar

    When creating a report, it directs you through a series of filters built from columns within the sheet selected - you can pick as many sheets as you like, in my case I only have one but in others I have 3. There are many here including the ability to show or hide columns. "get rid of the first row [Overview /detail /Column 3 etc]"

    6 tables: My understanding (open to others input) you cannot create the 6 dashboard tables fron the one report. When importing a report to Dashboard you have no option to select certain column/s or information for display. It displays only your filters selection. In our case I have copied the report then used filters to display the information.

    Hope this helps.
