
I work at a construction company that installs windows/doors for residential homes. We currently us a checklist in our current system. The checklist is use by both installers in the field as well as office team members. Any suggestions on how I can incorporate a similar checklist in Smartsheet?

Best Answer

  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion
    Answer ✓


    Which aspect are you trying to reproduce? The task lists looks like it could easily be replicated by creating a sheet with 2 columns: a text column with the task names and a checkbox column. Then you’d just need some conditional formatting to strikethrough the task name column text and change the background color for the row when the checkbox is checked.

    Conditional formatting is explained here

    You could provide this as a sheet or report - try it on the device the installers use to see what works best.


  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion
    Answer ✓


    Which aspect are you trying to reproduce? The task lists looks like it could easily be replicated by creating a sheet with 2 columns: a text column with the task names and a checkbox column. Then you’d just need some conditional formatting to strikethrough the task name column text and change the background color for the row when the checkbox is checked.

    Conditional formatting is explained here

    You could provide this as a sheet or report - try it on the device the installers use to see what works best.