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Template on Real estate Repairs Management

Heshy Tauber
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


I am Trying to get a template if someone already worked on Real estate Management 

I am in charge of managing 1 of my Real estate clients Repairs & Maintenance

We get calls in Or Via Email of issues  i have to see when our crew can go over and then assign it to the right  Field Crew

Now i was thinking of doing 1 master sheet which all Calls Come in

2nd sheet to have a Schedule what they have Scheduled already for that day. 

to see what Repairs we can be pushed in by Which crew and guess each Crew to have their designated Schedule sheet  Or maybe in card View Sorted by Day And Statues whats completed etc,

once completed to Create  an invoice tracking sheet to see whats billable etc, 


Can you guys please advise whats the best way to set up such a Platform?


Thank you 


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