IF AND OR formula

Jay Klomp
Jay Klomp ✭✭✭
edited 05/09/24 in Formulas and Functions

I have been trying for way too long to get this formula working correctly - time to ask the pros. I would like the "At Risk" column to flag if "Due Date" has passed and if "Status" is anything other than "Completed" or "% Compete" is anything other than "100%"

I've tried many different ways to get this to work without success. Help is appreciated.



  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna Community Champion

    Hi @Jay Klomp,

    Something like this?

    =IF(AND(Status@row <> "Completed", [% Complete]@row < 1, [Due Date]@row < TODAY()), 1, 0)

    Sample output:

    I'm not sure about that last line, but since it is complete (percentage wise), I am not sure it would need flagging. Please let us know if you have any problems/questions though!

  • Jay Klomp
    Jay Klomp ✭✭✭

    Thanks for helping @Nick Korna. This works but not quite the way that I need it to. With this formula, if "% Completed" is at 100% the row remains unflagged regardless of what the "Status" says. I need it to flag if the row is past due and the status is anything other than Completed or if it is past due and "%Status" is not 100% or both. I'm trying to weed out users that might forget to change one of those columns. This formula also flags the row if there is no info filled out at all.

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna Community Champion

    You could add in automation workflows to change the values rather than relying on users to do it. For example, if the % complete is 100%, change the Status to "Complete" (and another workflow for vice versa).

  • Jay Klomp
    Jay Klomp ✭✭✭

    I could but the problem with an automation is that, in the instance of if "Status" changes to Complete then change cell value in "% Complete", you are given a text field. If I enter 100% in that field, it no longer calculates as a total percentage of its group.

    I think a good formula for the "At Risk" column would still be the better option. If "Due Date" is past and "Status" is anything other than Completed and/or "% Complete" is anything other than 100%. I'm just not sure how to properly string the ANDs and ORs.

  • Jay Klomp
    Jay Klomp ✭✭✭

    Nevermind about the automation part. I was overlooking something and it now works. I might be able to make this work now.

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