Why when using the calendar app doesn't the "Today" button goto today's date on the calendar?

Why when using the calendar app doesn't the "Today" button goto today's date on the calendar?


  • Anna PRIE
    Anna PRIE ✭✭
    edited 05/15/24

    Hi Mark,

    Can you clarify the problem you are facing please? Is it the case that when you click the "Today" button the wrong date is entered, and if so how far off is the date?

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Mark,

    Is it that when you click on the "Today" button it doesn't show the correct date in the cell, or is it the case of having clicked on "Today" at a previous time and the date being stuck on that day?

    I had the later problem when I started using Smartsheet until I realized that the "Today" button just inputs a date but once imputed the date doesn't change. If this is your problem I can share with you the workflow automation that I put in place to resolve it.

    If your problem is that when you click on the "Today" button the wrong date is inputted, maybe you are set up in the wrong time zone and it's inputting the date of the time zone … Other than that I don't have any other solution, sorry.

    I hope this helps!

    Kind regards,


  • Sarah Keortge
    Sarah Keortge ✭✭✭✭

    The "Today" button is intended to reorient the calendar view if it's displaying a time period which does not include today. For instance, if you're viewing by week and you have it open to next week, clicking Today will navigate the calendar back to this week since it includes today.

    Can you confirm whether you're experiencing an issue with it moving the view back to a period that includes Today or whether you're looking for the button to do something different than its current function?